Arges Pro

by Grdar Diseño, S.L.



Turn your mobile into a tool that will help you obtain incredible results through the free Arges Pro application, and have at hand the information you need to improve your work. Start standing out today in just a few minutes a day.The employees of the companies that work with Arges Pro are part of an exclusive community of users motivated to improve the quality of service and the satisfaction of their customers.Enter the credentials that your company has given you, and access the world of continuous improvement from the application. If your company hasnt made the leap yet, talk to us.What will you find in Arges Pro?• A dynamic bulletin board with the information you need to know• Personalized tasks to help you improve in your job position• A repository with all the documentation you need• Training micro-capsules full of multimedia, visual and easy to understand information• A virtual assistant that you can take advantage of (optional)• A chat from which you can communicate in real time with your colleagues (optional)• A gamification system that rewards your effort• A personalized mobile experience in the style and colors of your company